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The term "cyber" refers to anything related to computers, information technology, and the internet. It is derived from the word "cybernetics," which is the study of control and communication in computers and biological systems."Cyber" is often used in combination with other words to describe various aspects of the digital world. For example, "cybersecurity" refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, while "cybercrime" refers to criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet.Other common terms include "cyberbullying" (the use of technology to harass or intimidate others), "cyberwarfare" (the use of computer technology to disrupt or damage computer systems), and "cyberspace" (the virtual environment created by computer systems and networks).Overall, the term "cyber" is used to describe the intersection of technology, communication, and information in the digital age. It encompasses a wide range of concepts and activities, all of which are influenced by the use of computers and the internet.
